Thanks for stopping by!
Picture by Victor Pilipovich
Hello WYTC trail members and other visitors,
The Westmoreland Yough Trail Chapter (WYTC) is in the process of transitioning to a new membership management system. As a result, the WYTC is temporarily suspending membership join and renewal options. The new system will help eliminate various costs associated with mailing renewal notices.
You will now be able to enter all your information online and pay with a credit card to join or renew your membership. Of course, the WYTC will still accept a check which you will need to mail to complete your membership however, paying online is the preferred method.
The WYTC appreciates your membership as it helps to cover the costs of maintaining the Great Allegheny Passage that passes through Westmoreland County. Please check back in a couple weeks to join the WYTC or to renew your current membership. Thank you for your patience as we make this important transition.
Checkout what is new with the Westmoreland Yough Trail Chapter. New Memorial Benches and Kiosks have been installed in the Memorial Pavilions.
Please be aware that if you place an order for a memorial brick after October 15, 2024 that will mean that the brick can't be installed in the pavilion until next spring due to the cooler weather over the fall and winter. You can still place an order at any time to remember a loved one, a favorite person or friend, or just to place a fun saying or image in the pavilion. All brick orders benefit the maintenance efforts of the Over The Hill Gang to keep our section of the trail beautiful and in great shape.
The key aspect is the project’s floor, a brick memorial funded by those who want to remember a loved one or special event. It will be a place for everyone to pause and reflect on that special person or time in their life. For as little as $100.00, each brick can include the names, statement, and graphic of your choosing. A gift that will honor something meaningful to you and keep on giving through your support of one of best trails in Western Pennsylvania.
A special thanks to those who purchased benches and bricks.
New Pavilion across from the West Newton Visitor Center with benches and bricks.
With the financial help from membership dues, donations, Westmoreland Yough Trail Chapter (WYTC) fundraising events, and grants, the WYTC Over the Hill Gang (OTHG) maintenance crew had a great year providing routine maintenance and installing new amenities along our section of the GAP trail. Safety of the volunteers was the initial priority. An extensive inventory of personal protective equipment was purchased and made available to the OTHG. A large metal Safety Cabinet in the maintence building houses gloves, masks, helmets, safety glasses, chainsaw safety apparel, and an AED . First aid equipment including eye wash kits were installed in the maintenance building and attached to all the tractors and golf carts. The OTHG received hands on training on AED operation and CPR techniques from Mary Popovich, West Newton Mayor and highly trained CPR/AED/First Aid Trainer.
The trimming of overhead vegetation is now being carried out using a safety cage attached to a tractor. This allows volunteers to work at a height more safely by providing a more secure, enclosed structure to work in.
Our 2006 Chevrolet dump truck is a sound and sturdy vehicle but its previous life as a snow plow and salt dispenser left the bed badly corroded. With the help of a grant from the Charles P and Allison C. Tucker Charitable Gift Fund we were able to have a new lift bed fabricated and installed. This will provide many more years of useable service from the truck.
The parking lot at the King Trailhead and at the West Newton Station were sealed and relined by an outside contractor. The fence at the King Trailhead lot was replaced in a project that was partially done by an outside contractor and by the OTHG crew. The contractor installed the upright poles and the OTHG installed the cross rails. Once the fence was in place a volunteer crew of Kenny Ross Subaru employees painted a coat of sealer on the fence.
Included in the rehab of the King parking lot, a new pet waste station was installed on the south end of the lot.
Many don’t realize that there is a river overlook deck across the road from West Newton Station. It was built back in the 90’s and has seen little use and has fallen into disrepair over the years.
To bring this trail amenity back to life, the OTHG spent most of the summer, cutting back the vegetation around the deck and along a path to the river, cleaning, and putting a new coat of stain on the deck, and power washing the paver bricks surrounding the deck. Once the deck work was completed a picnic table was installed on the deck and a new sign pointing the way to the deck was installed.
It is now an attractive, safe and comfortable spot for a rest after fun activities on the trail.
In the grassy area along the trail below the West Newton Station there is a large section of grass that sits atop buried railroad ties. As the soil above the ties has settled over the years, riding a lawn tractor over that area has become difficult. The bumps are continuous! To correct the problem the OTHG with the help of a grant from the Westmoreland County Parks Department spread several large dump truck loads of topsoil to smooth out the surface. Ninety percent of the project was completed, and the remainder will be installed in the spring of 2025.
Throughout the season, all of the regular, routine jobs of weed whacking, drainage ditch cleaning, trash collection, leaf blowing, clearing downed trees, trail patching, overhead vegetation control, equipment cleaning and repairs were done by a dedicated crew most of whom work on the Wednesday morning work parties. Others work on their own schedule, particularly in staying ahead of a constantly growing 10.5-mile strip of grass.
To aid that work a used golf cart was added to our fleet to get workers to locations all along the 10.5-mile section.
The OTHG and the WYTC thank the Tucker Charitable Gift Fund, Westmoreland County Parks Dept., and the Craig family for financial support and tool donations. We now look forward to planning and completing more projects that help make the WYTC section of the GAP the best of all!
If you are interested in helping the trail maintenance efforts to stay alive, please contact the Over the Hill Gang through the email, wytcnews@hotmail.com. Keep checking back at this website for more information about activities at the Westmoreland Yough Trail Chapter.
Consider buying that special birthday, Christmas or special event gift by visiting the Visitor's Center in West Newton!
Throughout the 2024 season the WYTC Over the Hill Gang maintenance crew has been renovating the deck across Collinsburg Road from the West Newton Station. The deck was cleaned, repaired and repainted and the walkway revitalized. A picnic table was installed on the deck to provide a spot for eating or just relaxing.
Pics by Bob Hand
In order to maintain the safety of trail users the Regional Trail Corporation, the non-profit organization that owns the property of the Great Allegheny Passage in Allegheny, Westmoreland, and Fayette County, PA, has revised its Mobility Device Policy. The primary purpose of the revision is to set rules for eBike operation. It is an effort to stop the use of throttle only riding of eBikes while allowing pedal assist eBike riding that is important to many trail riders.
Attend monthly meetings, held every third Monday of the month, 7 pm, West Newton Station.
To Volunteer contact wytcnews@hotmail.com
P.O. Box 242, West Newton, Pennsylvania 15089, United States
Today | Closed |
The Visitor Center is currently open MWF 11am-4pm until April 14th.
The Visitor’s Center will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, as of Nov. 1, 11-4. In April it changes to a full schedule.
Stop in and check out our merchandise.
Restrooms are open all week from 8am-4pm.
Closed most holidays. Come on down and check us out if in the neighborhood.
Email us your pictures and story along the GAP-Westmoreland County section.
We love hearing from Trail users! We are happy to post pictures and a brief description of your excursion. Please feel free to give us your first name (optional) and beginning and ending destinations. We will post the information on our web site
Contact: Donna Morrison, Web Administrator
Westmoreland Yough Trail Chapter
P.O.Box 242, West Newton, Pennsylvania 15089 United States
Questions: wytcnews@hotmail.com
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